A Demand For Righteousness

Dear MBC Church Family,

 We are witnessing a historical event unfolding before our eyes; a movement with no official headquarters, no national leadership, but one that’s spontaneously springing up from individuals like you and me armed with only a yearning to create a better day for everyone.  People of all ages, races and walks of life around the globe are protesting the lack of justice in the land, while many of its citizens are being mistreated at the hands of their protectors. They are demanding that righteousness run down like a mighty stream from all corners of society (Amos 5:24). 


A quote frequently attributed to 18th century philosopher Edmund Burke captures the moment perfectly: “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”  Doing nothing is not an option this time.  Silence condones violence.  Good men and women, along with their families and even their children, are not waiting on others to lead the way.  They are letting their voices be heard and saying, Never again.  This is a movement powered by God Himself speaking to hearts of people to rise up and be counted on the side of righteousness.


We truly are the change that we’re looking for, the answer to our prayers.  Edmund Burke also said, "Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."  We are all realizing that each one of us can make a difference, whether great or small, right where we are.  Whether we are the CEOs who have decided to change their policies to make their companies more diverse throughout the organization, or whether we are the front line employees who are now offering encouragement to their co-workers, it is up to us to make a difference in someone’s life for the better wherever we are and whenever we’re able to help.  And, it’s up to us to call attention to wrongdoing and not look the other way.  We are all better for doing so, because “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).


Let’s continue to pray for our nation and its leaders, our churches and families, and for each other. Feel free to come by the church or join us remotely at noon any day of the week as we pray for healing and peace.


Several members and friends have asked about ways to donate to the church during this time of pandemic.  We’ve now set up a link on the church’s website to process credit/debit card donations.  These options are now available:


  • Electronic bill pay and check by mail sent to PO Box 488, Upper Marlboro, MD 20773

  • Drop off at the church office


Continue to let your family and friends know that they can join us remotely by Skype: https://join.skype.com/P8TRBZjej8aU; by conference call: Dial-in: (978) 990-5159, Access Code: 294069; or by direct dial without an access code: (339) 209-5068.   If lines are busy, text the following to either number: CALL ME.  The conference line will call you back.  Follow the prompts to join.


  • Sunday morning Worship Service (11:30am)

  • Monday through Saturday Noontime Prayer (12:00pm-1:00pm)

  • Thursday evening Bible Study (7:00pm – 8:00pm)


The grounds of the church are open as well for anyone who may want to stop by to meditate and pray as they walk The Stations of the Cross outdoors.


God bless and keep you and your family.

Rev. Dennis V. Jefferson

A native of Washington DC, Reverend Dennis V. Jefferson became the pastor of Meadows Baptist Church on May 31, 1981.  He is married to Cynthia and has two children, Ashley and Christian.  He obtained a B.A. from the American University, an M.S. from Johns Hopkins University, and an M.B.A. from The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is presently the owner and president of SSE, Inc., a local software development firm.

Rev. Jefferson started his ministry as a Youth Minister in his home church in SE Washington, DC.  Later he was called to the mission field in France where his main function was to spread the Word of God and establish churches. He has been a faithful servant of God.  With the diversified Christian training, Reverend Jefferson is invaluable to the spiritual growth of this congregation.

Rev. Jefferson is a dynamic teacher and leader who is truly dedicated to God.


He Will Save You From The Snare


Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled